Monday, August 28, 2017

How Do You Know If You Are Moving To A Safe Area? (Checkout Charlotte Crime Maps)

Safe Neighborhood, Save Moves, Safety, Safe Neighbors, School, Moving, Movers, Charlotte NC

Charlotte, North Carolina has a lot of wonderful neighborhoods, but just like every city, it also has neighborhoods with a high volume of crime. T-N-T Moving Systems is a Charlotte-based business that has been working out of Charlotte for almost two decades and we want to make sure you and your family pick the safest place to live. So before you start packing your bag, take a look at the Charlotte Crime Map and local school districts which are tools you can use to find your family the best area for your new home.

Whether you are moving to a new house, an apartment, or renting a place to stay, location matters. Charlotte, NC is a wonderful city with a lot of wonderful opportunities, but not every neighborhood is filled with friendly faces. Before you move, take a look at the Charlotte Crime Map to help you decide if the area you are looking at is a safe place to live. The map lets you see all of the incidents of crime that have taken place in the Charlotte area. It shows different types of crime, such as drugs, robberies, and shootings. The map will give you a good idea of what the crime is like in the area you are thinking about moving.  

The next thing you should consider doing before you move is checking out the schools nearby. If you have children, no matter their age, it is important to make sure they are getting a proper education in an environment where they can feel comfortable. With a simple search online, you can find the school district for all residential locations. Type the address of your desired home into the “See What School District You Are In?”  Tool, it will ask for your child’s grade and what type of school you would like them to attend. This tool will help you make sure you are sending your children to a school that will help them succeed.

Once, you have confirmed the neighborhood you want to move to is safe and has a good school district, give T-N-T Moving Systems a call at 704-523-1455. Even for long distance moves, T-N-T Moving Systems is the best moving business in Charlotte.  You can also get a free moving quote online at our website T-N-T Moving Systems.

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